Penalties for Non Compliance with DOT Regulations

In today's compliance-driven landscape, employers operating within the transportation industry must be keenly aware of their obligations under 49 CFR Parts 40 and 382. The Department of Transportation (DOT) and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) established these regulations, which outline strict requirements for drug and alcohol testing of safety-sensitive employees. Employers must adhere [...]

By |April 13th, 2023|Blog, DOT Compliance, DOT Drug Testing|Comments Off on Penalties for Non Compliance with DOT Regulations

InOut Labs’ Timothy Thoelecke achieves CSAPA certification to become Certified Substance Abuse Professional Administrator

InOut Labs’ Timothy Thoelecke achieves CSAPA certification to become Certified Substance Abuse Professional Administrator Thoelecke is now one of 64 Certified Substance Abuse Professional Administrators and is recognized as a specialist demonstrating proficiency in the field InOut Labs, a drug and alcohol testing organization, has officially announced that founder Timothy Thoelecke has passed [...]

By |January 19th, 2023|Blog, Press|Comments Off on InOut Labs’ Timothy Thoelecke achieves CSAPA certification to become Certified Substance Abuse Professional Administrator

US DOT expands drug testing panel. Maybe you should too.

On November 13, 2017, the U.S. Department of Transportation disrupted the drug testing industry in a powerful and meaningful way. Effective January 1, 2018, the DOT drug test panel will include hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone and oxymorphone. Some common names for these semi-synthetic opioids include OxyContin®, Percodan®, Percocet®, Vicodin®, Lortab®, Norco®, Dilaudid®, Exalgo®.  Generally prescribed for [...]

Are you ready for a DOT Audit?

If you have employees that operate Commercial Motor Vehicles* as defined by the U.S. Department of Transportation, you may be audited by the DOT. Significant violations can result in fines totaling tens of thousands of dollars. What are they looking for? Among other things, DOT auditors are looking to see whether you are in compliance [...]

DOT Rapid Urine Tests? Really?

Last week I went into stealth mode and called some local “competitors,” pretending to be looking for information about drug testing programs. It was more “enlightening” than I had imagined! I was told by two occupational health clinics that claim to do DOT and non-DOT drug and alcohol testing, that it is perfectly acceptable to [...]

Not A Headline YOU Want To Be In

Is your company compliant? Many companies,–mandated by DOT to have drug and alcohol testing programs–are not. Non-compliance can cost you. But safety is the goal. In May 2012, FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) officials charged 128 companies with violations of the DOT FMCSA regulations for drug and alcohol testing, removing 287 unsafe bus and [...]