CDL Employers: Annual MVR Check Requirement Explained

For MVRs and other background check services, see our ScreeningWise site ------ A Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) is a report provided by the state, detailing an individual’s driving history. As part of their commercial driver's license (CDL) programs, states must exchange data with the federal Commercial Driver's License Information System (CDLIS). The CDL annual [...]

By |February 8th, 2023|Background check, Blog|Comments Off on CDL Employers: Annual MVR Check Requirement Explained

Driver Background Screening Required for Motor Carriers

It is the job of the transportation industry to transport goods over vast distances, making it an essential sector of society. When recruiting drivers to represent your company on the road and transport goods across the country, it is critical to confirm that they are capable of carrying out their duties safely and legally. [...]

By |December 13th, 2022|Background check|Comments Off on Driver Background Screening Required for Motor Carriers