An email shared with our FMCSA clients.
In case you missed our last message it’s posted here.
The FMCSA Clearinghouse is the law. If you do not comply, your company will be ineligible to operate. We did not make up the rules, but we will help you navigate them.
There is a lot to do and learn BEFORE January 6, 2020. Please do the following ASAP.
Step One: Register
Select your C/TPA. If your C/TPA is NOT InOut Labs (and you would like it to be :-)), Click Here.
If you later decide you don’t want our help, it’s easy to change that in the Clearinghouse.
Step Two: Purchase Queries – How many? At a minimum add up the number of drivers you have plus how many you expect to hire in the next 12 months. Better to err on the high side.
Step Three: Have every new and every existing driver to sign a consent form. You can use this one. Our clients will be provided a better form.
Step Four: Get your drivers to enroll. It’s not required at first, but your life will be much easier if they do. Driver Brochure (pdf). Driver Instructions (pdf).
Big Idea: Have an enrollment event where you can educate, get consents signed, and set up computers to help them enroll.
Owner Operators
Step One: Register
Owner Operators are required to select a C/TPA. If your C/TPA is NOT InOut Labs (and you would like it to be:-)), Click Here.
Step Two: Purchase Queries – How many? You will need a minimum of one per year. We suggest you buy at least 5 so you have some “in the bank.” They never expire.
We’ll send you more details soon. You should spend some time here:
Please forward to any colleagues who may find this useful. Many C/TPAs are not prepared for this.