The Pillars of an Effective Workplace Wellness Program

Strategically integrated workplace wellness programs have six strong pillars that simultaneously support their success, regardless of the size of the organization. Construct them well, and your institution could see the kinds of big returns that the 10 companies in our sample have garnered. 1. Multilevel Leadership Creating a culture of health takes passionate, persistent, [...]

Does “negative-dilute” mean he passed the drug test?

Some people try to cheat drug tests. Not most people. Then again, most people don't need to! But many who are worried about it work very hard to game the system. Nearly 10% of all full-time workers in the U.S. are illicit drug users. Yet only 3.8% of pre-employment urine drug tests are positive. Why? [...]

Can POST-ACCIDENT drug testing reduce workers comp claims?

A worker has an accident. Someone may or may not be hurt. Perhaps the incident could have been averted with a decent random testing program, but it’s too late to think about that. Note to self: “Add random testing program to next week’s company meeting agenda.” Now what? Will there be a claim? What's it going [...]

Would you rather build a fence at the top of a cliff, or park an ambulance at the bottom?

[sonaar_audioplayer albums="91070"][/sonaar_audioplayer] Would you rather build a fence at the top of a cliff, or park an ambulance at the bottom? That’s why we wear seat belts. It’s why we cook our chicken thoroughly. It’s why we watch our blood pressure and cholesterol. And it’s why we create safe workplaces. We want to prevent tragic [...]

We won’t call the cops, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem.

Occasionally, our clients ask if a positive drug test results in trouble with the law. No, we don’t call the police, but that doesn’t mean all is well. Sometimes an individual tests positive for cocaine or some other illegal drug. Are we obligated to turn the person in? Thankfully, no. We’re not trained in law [...]

Smokers cost employers almost $6k every year.

Last week's message prompted a few interesting responses. On 6/3/13, The Ohio State University released a new study on the cost borne by employers for their employees that smoke. "Smoke breaks accounted for the highest cost in lost productivity, followed by health-care expenses that exceed insurance costs for nonsmokers." Read it for yourself. Lots of good quotes [...]

Workers comp costs more than you think.

No one likes workers comp claims. Not the employer. Not the insurance company. And certainly not the person who got hurt. In addition to the cost of the claim itself, employers must hire and train a replacement and deal with the lost productivity and associated business disruption. Chris Bassler, of Bassler & Co., a Northbrook-based [...]

Cheating a drug test is a felony in Illinois.

Public Act 093-0691 This one isn't very long, so go ahead and read it. I'll wait. Okay, here's the scoop. It's against the law in IL to possess, manufacture or sell substances or methods that help people cheat on drug tests. This includes synthetic urine, adulterants, or devices intended to help people smuggle these things in. [...]

By |February 21st, 2013|Blog|1 Comment

We’re like family. No problems here.

Small business owners know their people very well. Or do they? A second-generation owner of a contracting company told me recently about a driver of his who was drug tested following a fender bender a few years ago. The owner was shocked to learn that this trusted employee, with the company for years,  tested positive [...]