5 Truths about Medical Marijuana and Drug Testing That Everyone Needs To Know

A week ago medical marijuana became available in Illinois. Frankly, I don't really care if adults choose to smoke pot. I also don't care if they choose to shoot staples into their thighs or drink gasoline. As long as it doesn't harm me, my family or my business, it's really none of my business. That's a [...]

When perception of risk declines … people smoke more weed.

When the public perceives drugs to be dangerous, usage declines. When people perceive them to be less risky, usage increases. It’s logical, but somebody actually studied it and published a report on it. (2012 Monitoring The Future survey) A 2013 Gallup poll finds that 58% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana [...]

By |December 12th, 2013|Blog|1 Comment

Pot cards for everyone!

The headline of an August 9 article on reason.com reads, “Chicago Opens First Marijuana Clinic, Despite Total Lack of Actual Legal Marijuana.” The Illinois medical marijuana law kicks in January 1, 2014. The law lists [tippy title =”40 specific conditions”] cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, hepatitis C, [...]

By |September 12th, 2013|Blog|0 Comments

Medical marijuana and the Illinois workplace. And why you should care.

On August 1, 2013, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law the “Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act.” Whether you support it or not, it WILL affect the workplace. And not in a good way. The drug testing and HR worlds are buzzing with concern and questions.  Many questions. [...]

Legalized marijuana is GOOD for business!

For MY business, that is! For yours? Not so much. Here’s why it’s good for me: Post-accident testing A key part of any company’s risk management program is to drug test employees immediately following a workplace accident. It’s a simple matter of ruling out (or in) drugs or alcohol as a factor in the accident [...]