InOut Labs Exhibits at 2020 ASA Safety Conference

Tim Thoelecke, Founder of InOut Labs, represented InOut Labs as an exhibitor at the 2020 ASA Chicago Construction Expo and Safety Conference. The Association of Subcontractors and Affiliates is an independent, nonprofit trade association representing the subcontracting industry and its affiliates. The sold-out conference featured 131 exhibitors and attracted  a record 1455 attendees. "We don't [...]

By |March 4th, 2020|Press|Comments Off on InOut Labs Exhibits at 2020 ASA Safety Conference

Questions to Ask When Crafting a Drug and Alcohol Policy

Every employer needs a drug and alcohol policy, whether or not actual testing is conducted. However, a policy not backed up by testing is at risk of failure. That is, if there is no testing, there is no deterrence. Who will be tested -- and when? This question is one of many that must be [...]

By |November 18th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Workplace Drug Testing in the Age of Marijuana Legalization

Workplace Drug Testing in the Age of Marijuana Legalization Marijuana prohibition began in 1934 with the Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act, which banned the sale, cultivation, and use of the cannabis plant. Fast-forward 85 years later, however, and 33 states have legalized medical marijuana, while 11 states have allowed its recreational use among adults over [...]

By |September 13th, 2019|Drugs, Marijuana|Comments Off on Workplace Drug Testing in the Age of Marijuana Legalization

What if that new hire failed a drug or alcohol test at the last job?

If it’s a truck driver, it’s your responsibility to find out. Many employers make an offer of employment contingent upon the results of a criminal background check and drug test. If the candidates pass, they’re hired. Employers regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation, however, have another important requirement. First, you must ask the new [...]

HR.BLR.COM: It’s not ‘one size fits all’ in employee drug testing—Every business has different needs.

Article published on HR.BLR.COM, a prestigious web site for Human Resources professionals. "It’s not 'one size fits all' in employee drug testing—Every business has different needs By Tim ThoeleckeMarijuana legalization in many states is catching the attention of Human Resources professionals’ nationwide, and drawing attention to all drug use. Drug use poses a serious threat [...]

Drug testing does not fit our company culture.

Drug testing does not fit our company culture. I hear this from time to time when speaking with people at reputable companies. Maybe it’s just me, but the irony strikes me in such a way that I’m certain my facial expression is visible even over the phone. What is company culture anyway? puts it [...]

Pot cards for everyone!

The headline of an August 9 article on reads, “Chicago Opens First Marijuana Clinic, Despite Total Lack of Actual Legal Marijuana.” The Illinois medical marijuana law kicks in January 1, 2014. The law lists [tippy title =”40 specific conditions”] cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, hepatitis C, [...]

By |September 12th, 2013|Blog|0 Comments