Drug testing does not fit our company culture.

Drug testing does not fit our company culture. I hear this from time to time when speaking with people at reputable companies. Maybe it’s just me, but the irony strikes me in such a way that I’m certain my facial expression is visible even over the phone. What is company culture anyway? About.com puts it [...]

Natural Awakenings, July 2014: InOut Labs Offers Testing for Allergies, Sensitivities and More

Morton Grove-based InOut Labs, which provides drug and alcohol and other wellness testings, recently expanded its services to include testing for food allergies and sensitivities that is cost-effective, timely and confidential. Plus, testing can be done without a prescription. Glenview resident Tim Thoelecke, Jr., owner and president of InOut Labs, founded the company in June [...]

Feeling a little off? Maybe it’s something you ate.

It’s a rough time of year for allergy sufferers. Sniffles, itchy eyes and congestion abound as pollen, mold and other allergens irritate the mucous membranes in our eyes and nasal passages. Others feel a bit off all the time and don't know why. In many cases, the culprit isn’t what they’re breathing but rather what’s [...]

Presenteeism: the opposite of engagement

Occasionally, you may go to work even though you’re feeling a bit “off.” Maybe it’s a cold or your stomach isn’t quite right. You may even be running a fever. But the thought of missing a day on the job creates more anxiety than it’s worth. So you go. You may not accomplish much, but [...]

September is National Cholesterol Education Month-Special offer below

So let’s do a little educating, and we’ll keep it simple. Think of cholesterol as fat in your blood. (It really isn’t, but  the image is helpful—to me, anyway.) Your body needs it, but too much is bad as it builds up on the walls of your blood vessels and causes blockages which can cause [...]

Smokers cost employers almost $6k every year.

Last week's message prompted a few interesting responses. On 6/3/13, The Ohio State University released a new study on the cost borne by employers for their employees that smoke. "Smoke breaks accounted for the highest cost in lost productivity, followed by health-care expenses that exceed insurance costs for nonsmokers." Read it for yourself. Lots of good quotes [...]

If you hire smokers, it’ll cost you big.

I will never hire another smoker. Harsh? Maybe. But hear me out. First of all, if you want to sit on the couch all day and smoke cigarettes (or anything, for that matter), I really don’t care. It’s your life. But if you bring it to work, it’s a different story. Then it’s MY life. [...]

Lab prices out of control

Just got my grubby little hands on a bill for lab work from a large hospital in my market. Urinalysis: $76 CBC with differential: $94 Complete Metabolic Panel: $170 Cardiac Risk (lipid panel): $125 PSA: $209 Testosterone: $239 T4 free: $135 Vitamin D: $223 Total: $1271 This same set of tests costs $382 at InOut [...]

HCV cure in the news

In August 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that anyone born between 1945 and 1965 have a one-time test for Hepatitis C. Five times more likely than other adults to be infected, those born within that time frame make up 75% of infected adults. Symptoms are few—and many experience none—until it's too late, [...]