Summarized from 49CFR Part 40) and adapted to non-DOT collections. We model DOT protocols for all collections. The collector may terminate the process at any point if the donor does not cooperate.

No one is forcing you to remain at the collection site. If you leave after beginning the process, it is reported as a Refusal to Test. Under DOT regulations, a Refusal is treated the same as a positive test. Most non-DOT employers also consider a Refusal as a failed test.

Examples of a Refusal to Test

  • Fail to appear at a urine collection site when directed to report
  • Fail to remain at the collection site
  • Fail to provide a urine specimen
  • Fail to permit a monitored or observed urine collection
  • Fail to cooperate with any part of the urine collection process
  • Possess or wear a prosthetic or other device that could be used to interfere with the collection process
  • Admit to the collector to having adulterated or substituted the specimen
  • Fail to undergo a medical examination or evaluation as the employer has directed as part of the insufficient breath procedures
    • The above are

Collection Site Refusals.More on Refusals To Test
