Comprehensive STD Panel

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) are illnesses primarily transmitted through vaginal, oral or anal sex. A person can be infected without showing any symptoms of the disease.

Comprehensive STD Panel

This comprehensive panel tests for 7 STDs or STIs. You do not need a doctor’s prescription to be tested.

Value Pricing

Get all tests at a price of $136

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Get all tests at a price of $291

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Get all tests at a price of $253

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Get all tests at a price of $228

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Get all tests at a price of $424

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Get all tests at a price of $392

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Get all tests at a price of $288

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Get all tests at a price of $303

Value Pricing

Get all tests at a price of $278

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Get all tests at a price of $68

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Get all tests at a price of $342

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Get all tests at a price of $131

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Get all tests at a price of $144

Value Pricing

Get all tests at a price of $392

Value Pricing

Get all tests at a price of $117

Value Pricing

Get all tests at a price of $117

Value Pricing

Get all tests at a price of $209

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Individual STD Tests

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