I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, at least not in January. But a new year is a good reminder to reflect on the past year and set goals for the next one.
A new year is also a good time to look at trends, at least the ones that matter in my life. Here’s a biggie:
Consumerism in healthcare
A broad topic for sure, but with health information more available than ever before, and costs (and deductibles) exploding, people are taking control of their own health. They are examining, measuring and even diagnosing themselves. They are even shopping.
Apple’s App Store boasts 3000 health and fitness apps, and the latest iOS includes Apple’s own Health app. The Apple Watch will have all kinds of health related functions to add to the Fitbits, Withings scales and other health and fitness gadgetry already in the mainstream. Health information is literally at your fingertips.
Websites like mercola.com, drperlmutter.com and even webmd.com (more listed here) empower all of us to make educated decisions about our health. Biohackers like Tim Ferriss, Peter Attia and Dave Asprey have shared their personal experiments with their bodies and countless others follow suit on their own. The supplement industry is growing by leaps and bounds as individuals learn that they can actually make themselves healthier and feel better through their own efforts. It’s truly liberating.
Many also are turning to alternative health care providers. “Alternative” may conjure up images of cauldrons and potions, so is really not the best word. Consider naturopaths, integrative health practitioners and functional medicine doctors. Look them up. It’s not witchcraft.
Ever buy a car, a meal or a new outfit without first knowing the cost? Ridiculous, of course, but that’s what we’ve done for many, many years when purchasing healthcare. In fact, the folks who provide that care don’t have a clue what the charges will be. I know. I’ve asked.
Now, with higher deductibles (and HSAs), people pay more attention to health care costs, so they shop — if they can.
“I didn’t know this was even available!”
We hear this time and time again when first-time clients walk in the door to order their own blood tests. Whether it’s for thyroid, vitamin D, testosterone, hormones, cholesterol, STD or specialty food sensitivity testing, more and more people are taking control. No doctor’s order needed. Confidential results directly to you.
As 2015 begins, I feel like I have more control than ever over my own health, weight, fitness, work and personal life. It’s not a resolution. It’s my mission. I wish the same for you.
May 2015 treat you well.
*Instead of a New Year’s Resolution – most of which fail – try Jim Rohrbach’s suggestion to create a new Mission Statement.