Drug Testing in ArKansas

Order a Drug Test in ArKansas

Need a drug test in ArKansas? Look no further! Drug and alcohol tests from InOut Labs are fast, affordable, and accurate. ArKansas is one of thousands of cities and towns nationwide where InOut Labs clients are served. You can order a drug test here, or call our office where our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

If you are an employer, a Corporate Account may be what you need.

InOut Labs provides nationwide service with more than 18,000 testing centers. There is bound to be one near you. Wanna check first? See our Lab Locator or just give us a call at 847-657-7900.

  • Employment

  • Court

  • Probation

  • Family members

  • School

  • Personal

Random Drug Testing ArKansas

We do that too. What’s “random”? Here is what Random Testing is NOT

Same day testing available. And, in many areas, same day results!

How drug testing works in ArKansas

InOut Labs has multiple locations in and near ArKansas. The donor (person being tested) will need a Drug Test Order Form (a.k.a. Donor Pass) –Provided by InOut Labs — and a photo ID.

Place your order online (or call 847-657-7900), and you can often have the Drug Test Order Form within minutes. Testing centers do not accept payment. Many accept walk-ins or same day appointments.

Drug and Alcohol Testing For Your Business

Whether your business is in ArKansas, or someplace else, InOut Labs serves employers nationwide. Many are regulated by the U.S. DOT, and many are just regular companies interested in safety, productivity and a healthy workplace culture.

Set up a corporate account here.

DOT Compliance Package in ArKansas

A DOT regulated employer needs to check 5 boxes when it comes to drug testing compliance. And InOut Labs can help you with all of them.

  • Written Policy
  • Supervisor Training
  • Employee Education

  • Drug Testing

InOut Labs provides DOT-compliant testing services to the following regulated industries

  • FMCSA – Employers of CDL drivers
  • FAA – Aviation Industry
  • FRA –  Railroad Industry
  • FTA – Federal Transit/Public Transportation
  • PHMSA –  Pipeline Industry
  • USCG – Coast Guard /Maritime Industry

You won’t find more accurate or reliable drug testing in ArKansas

InOut Labs uses the most reputable labs in the country. SAHMSA certified labs are qualified to handle chain of custody procedures and are tightly regulated by the federal government. Our laboratory partners are names you can trust: Quest Diagnostics, Labcorp, Alere, Omega, Psychemedics and more.

Every drug test you order from InOut Labs is reviewed by our Medical Review Office. What is an MRO? Do you really need one? Better to read it here. TL:DR: Yes. You need an MRO.

Medical Review

Every drug test you order from InOut Labs is reviewed by our Medical Review Office. What is an MRO? Do you really need one? Better to read it here. TL:DR: Yes. You need an MRO.

Why would an employer in ArKansas use InOut Labs for drug testing?

Because you need a partner in this. There are so many moving parts in managing a drug testing program that you can’t possibly figure it all out yourself.

At InOut Labs, this is what we do.

We’ll help you navigate the risks of legal marijuana, DOT compliance, suspicion training, written policy and post accident testing. You can feel comfortable that testing is accurate, tested in the right labs, and medically reviewed, and that your program is defensible.