FAA has released their annual random testing rates and they remain unchanged for 2019 at 25% for random drug testing and 10% for random alcohol testing. This covers all safety-sensitive employees.

As per the federal register notice:

Pursuant to 14 CFR 120.109(b), the FAA Administrator’s decision on whether to change the minimum annual random drug testing rate is based on the reported random drug test positive rate for the entire aviation industry. If the reported random drug test positive rate is less than 1.00%, the Administrator may continue the minimum random drug testing rate at 25%. In 2017, the random drug test positive rate was 0.659%. Therefore, the minimum random drug testing rate will remain at 25% for calendar year 2019.

Similarly, 14 CFR 120.217(c), requires the decision on the minimum annual random alcohol testing rate to be based on the random alcohol test violation rate. If the violation rate remains less than 0.50%, the Administrator may continue the minimum random alcohol testing rate at 10%. In 2017, the random alcohol test violation rate was 0.108%. Therefore, the minimum random alcohol testing rate will remain at 10% for calendar year 2019.